Nigerian Air Force Deploys Military Helicopters In Plateau | The Precision

Following the killing of 29 persons in Nkiedonwwhro community
in Bassa Local Government Area of Plateau State by suspected Fulani
herdsmen, the Nigerian Air Force has deployed military helicopters in
the area on Thursday.


The helicopters, it was learnt, had continued to hover around the area for surveillance.
Although the choppers were said to have commenced flying over the
communities on Wednesday evening, it was however not clear if there was
any security alert.
But the spokesperson for the Special Military Taskforce codenamed
Operation Safe Haven, Capt. Umar Adams, had said that although tension
had reduced in the area, the military troops would still be on standby
to carrying out patrol and cordon and search.
He said, “For now, the situation is relatively calm. The tension that
has been on for the previous days is fast going down and has reduced
because our troops are still there and carrying out patrol and cordon
and search operations. Apart from the troops we have here, we reinforce
and mobilised more personnel from our locations under the jurisdiction
of the OPSH.”
Several calls and SMS to NAF’s spokesperson, Commodore Olatokunbo
Adesanya, to explain the deployment of Air force helicopters were not
But a resident of the community said about three helicopters were
sighted hovering over the communities in Bassa LGA, but he was not sure
of their mission.
He said, “Since Wednesday, the Nigerian Air Force helicopters have
been hovering over the communities. Is it part of security surveillance
or there is a security alert? But if it is to get the Fulani herdsmen,
you can’t get them on air because an average Fulani person spends 70 per
cent of his life in the bush.
“They don’t stay in one place for long and so if the Air force means
well, they should fly closer to the bush where the Fulani dwell and not
in the villages.”
Meanwhile, the Christian Association of Nigeria (Youth Wing), has
condemned the killings in Plateau State, saying Fulani herdsmen are
running a parallel government in Nigeria.
YOWICAN in a statement on Thursday evening by its President, Daniel
Kadzai, said after their exploits in Southern Kaduna, the Fulani
herdsmen had turned their heat on Plateau State.
He said, “The herdsmen massacre in Southern Kaduna has subsided but
it has resumed on the Plateau. That’s the way they roll – Nigeria’s
ubiquitous and ghostly herdsmen. It’s like the game of whack-a-mole. You
contain or repel them in one area and they pop up in another.
“The Miyetti Allah Cattle Breeders Association, the umbrella
organisation of Fulani herdsmen are untouchable and feared. They are the
parallel government of Nigeria.”

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