What We Discussed With The Security Chiefs – Saraki I The Precision



Nigerian Senate President Bukola Saraki says the funding challenges confronting security agencies were among the issues discussed at the meeting on Wednesday which lasted nearly four hours.

According to Mr Saraki, both parties have now resolved that special funding for security agencies has become necessary and the agencies will bring the request for the special funding in the next two weeks.
This special funding which is expected to come as a supplementary budget is separate from the one billion dollar request by President Buhari for security.
In attendance were the Chief of Defence Staff Abayomi Olonisakin who led the delegation and the Director General of Department of State Services, Lawal Daura.
The Senate had last Wednesday invited the Security Chiefs to brief lawmakers on the alarming security situation in the country.
They (Senators) also invited the Comptroller General of Customs, Hameed Ali, to proffer solutions over the proliferation of dangerous firearms in Nigeria.
Subsequently, the lawmakers mandated the Senate Committee on Intelligence and National Security to conduct a thorough investigation, with a view to unravelling the remote and immediate causes of the proliferation of firearms in the country as well as proffer a lasting solution to the problem.

The meeting held by the Senate with Security Chiefs was to address the proliferation of dangerous firearms and the spate of killings by terrorists in the country.

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