For Secretly Marrying 2 More Wives, Wife Drags Husband To Court



A housewife, Amina Muhammad, on Friday dragged her husband, Salisu Mohammed, before a Customary Court in Nyanya, Abuja, for alleged secret marriage to two more wives.

The petitioner, who resides in Mararaba, Abuja, made the allegation in a divorce petition she filed against her husband.

She alleged that her husband secretly married two other wives and rented apartments for them in different locations in Abuja, while leaving her in Mararaba.

She said her husband had also been threatening to divorce her and forcefully evict her from her matrimonial home.

She also told the court that her husband had been denying her of her conjugal rights for over five years.

Mrs Muhammad begged the court to grant her divorce, claiming that her life and that of her children were no longer safe.

“I beg this honourable court to grant me divorce and custody of my children because my husband is threatening me and boasting to forcefully evict her from their home if I don’t leave peacefully,” she said.

The respondent, who was present in the court, however, denied the allegations.

The judge, Doocivir Yawe, adjourned the matter until October 31 for hearing. (NAN)

*picture accompanying story has only been used for illustrative purpose.

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