Elected Federal Lawmaker, Adedayo Omolafe Decries Low Turnout Of Voters In Akure



The Federal lawmaker elected in Akure South and North constituencies, Hon. Adedayo Omolafe aka Expensive has decried the low turnout of voters in Akure environs during the ongoing election in Ondo State.

Hon. Omolafe in an exclusive interview with The Precision NG in his country home, Obanla, Akure South LGA of Ondo State attributed the low turnout to the rumoured violence that rented the air during the build up to Saturday’s Assembly election.

According to him, there was rumoured in many quarters that the election would be violent hence many of the voters who turned out to vote in the Presidential and National Assembly elections were afraid to exercise their franchise.

He urged INEC to address such situation in future elections as it is the responsibility of the electoral umpire to sensitize the electorate during such development that may affect the electoral process.

Asked about how he intend to correct some of the challenges facing INEC when he got to the House of Representatives, Hon. Omolafe said he would work with other members of the house to come up with reforms that would further make INEC independent as he does not believe the electoral umpire is presently independent.

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