Int’l Day Of Girl Child: Ondo NAWOJ Canvass Equal Right For Girls



As Nigerians join the rest of the world to commemorate the International Day of the Girl Child, The Nigeria Association of Women Journalists, NAWOJ in Ondo State wants the society to uphold the equal rights, voices and influence of girls in our families, communities and nations.

In a Press release to mark the day in Akure, Chairperson of the Association, Mrs Doris Olumoko emphasized, that Girls can be powerful agents of change, and nothing should keep them from participating fully in all areas of life.

NAWOJ condemns in strong terms, the continous cases of rape of minors with particular reference to the fresh case of rape of a 4 year old girl in Ifon Ose local government area of Ondp State who was raped by a 52 year old man.

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However, the mother of the girl is refusing to talk to anyone, Saying that she doesn’t want case. A similar scenerio was reported at Ipogun, Where the mother of the girl ran away with the girl and police set the man bail.

NAWOJ therefore, encourages women to speak up for their daughters and allow justice take it cause.

On the theme for the 2019 commemoration of the International Day of the Girl Child, which is “GirlForce: Unscripted and Unstoppable”, the women Journalists say, nothing should stop the girl child from reaching their goals in life and fulfilling their destiny.

The statement reaffirmed, that gone are the days when male children are given priority over the girls noting with satisfaction, that most families now understand that the girl child is a blessing and asset to them.

NAWOJ however appealed to families who still hold tight to the age long practice of relegating girls, to brace up and give their girl child a place of pride in the scheme of things.

Chairperson of NAWOJ in Ondo State Mrs Doris Olumoko also, reechoed the need for the distribution of Sanitary Pads, free of charge to young school girls.

NAWOJ also wants government to take seriously, issues that affect the girl child, especially, Health, Education and Security and advised strongly against sexual and gender based violence.

The International Day of the Girl Child is an international observance day declared by the United Nations; it is also called the Day of Girls and the International Day of the Girl. October 11, 2012, was the first Day of the Girl Child.

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