Hon. Tajudeen Adefisoye (Small Alhaji) Formally Declares For APC (Full Text)



I remember vividly when I posted on my Facebook page in 2018 my intention to contest on the platform of SDP; 256 people commented on the post. Funny enough, 243 of the comments were ‘Lol’.

In spite of this rather discouraging comments, I refused to get discouraged and instead forged ahead to build the party in our federal constituency. We rented offices for the party at the local government and ward levels.

Ward Officers were also appointed and we began the journey with absolute faith in Almighty Allah. We never allowed any negative comments of ‘Lol’ to deter us from going forward. At the end of the day, Almighty Allah rewarded our efforts and also blessed our journey and movement with a success that got us to where we are today.

It should be emphasized however that most of the people that moved with me to SDP then were from the APC. We have now decided to move back to our original party. I don’t want to get distracted with the issues of 2023 which is still a long time from now. I will rather prefer to remain focus on my legislative duties for now. As a matter of fact, I might even decide not to seek re-election in 2023.

I want to plead therefore that people should not come under my post to grandstand that they will shock me in 2023. I am confident that when we get to the bridge of 2023, we shall cross it conveniently Insha Allah.

We will gladly post our achievements in the last one and a half years with incontrovertible pictorial evidences today,
notwithstanding the challenges posed by covid 19.

Note well:

As we are officially moving to another party, our party secretariats at the local government areas and ward level will be painted in the colours of APC.

To the youths, it is much advisable
to fight the system from within and not from outside if we truly desire to be part of system change. Fighting the system from outside could only qualify you as wailing wailers.

It has also been realized that fighting the system on the platform of a minority party with the so called leaders whose major interest is to make money through election negotiations will not give us the desired result.

It will be recalled that less than one week to the 2019 general election, the SDP Chairman in Idanre Local Government was suspended because we doubted his loyalty to our political cause. Although, we realized then that politics was a game of number, but we felt strongly convinced having quality and committed members rather than parading two faced januses. SO WE NO DEY SHAKE.

God bless you all.

Hon Tajudeen Adefisoye

Deputy Chairman House Commitee on Army.

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