Easter: Ajipe Preaches Love, Tolerance



The Convener Of IBI GIGA AMBASSADORS Chief Alex Ajipe has felicitated with Christians on the celebration of this year’s Easter.

Ajipe urged Christians to emulate Jesus Christ by making sacrifices that will advance the course of development during the Easter celebrations.

Ajipe in his Easter goodwill message by his Media Aide, Solomon Adewoye, said the season of Easter is a moment for us all to reflect on the sacrifice Jesus made to redeem us. He also called on Nigerians to imbibe the spirit of tolerance, peaceful co-existence and sacrifice for one another, stating that development and growth can only occur in the nation when all tribes and tongue unite and speak with one voice.

“At Easter, we are reminded of God’s unconditional love for mankind. As followers of Christ, we must follow his examples and emulate his unconditional love to the world. We must embrace the act of selfless living and show love to all regardless of their background or faith,”

“We must see this period as a time to think about how we can help steer our nation back on the road to prosperity, by working in the spirit of togetherness.”

” When we show love and offer selfless service, our nation and indeed the world will be a better place for us all,” Ajipe said .

The Emure-Owo born politician also urged Nigerians to renew the bond of love, forgiveness and peaceful co-existence, irrespective of religious, ethnic and political persuasions.

He noted that devotion to national unity and harmony is key to overcoming the economic, social and security challenges confronting the nation.

Stressing that unity is the strongest source of strength; he urged collective determination to end bitterness, hostilities and divisions that keep the country apart through virtues of love, forgiveness and charity.

“We must all continue to see ourselves as brothers and sisters and work together towards fulfilling the mind of God who, in His infinite wisdom destined us to live together as a united and prosperous nation,” Ajipe said.

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