Restructuring Will Give Nigerians A Sense Of Belonging – UNIFEMGA Tasks FG



The Obafemi Awolowo University Muslim Graduates’ Association (UNIFEMGA) has tasked the federal government to restructure the country, adding that it would give Nigerians a sense of belonging and stop unnecessary agitations.

This was contained in the communique signed by Engr Abdulfattah Olanlege, National President and Shamsideen Adenopo, Public Relations Officer of UNIFEMGA, after the 2021 national conference of the association held at OAU Ile-Ife, Osun State from Friday, August 20 to Sunday, August 22. The conference theme was “Nigeria at a Crossroads: The Myths, The Facts, The Realities.”

UNIFEMGA observed that successive governments in Nigeria have since independence in 1960, pursued the goal of structural changes without much success. It blamed ignorance on the part of the citizens and political instability, corruption and poor leadership on the part of the government.

“Apart from the challenges of insecurity in different shades across various parts of the country, the renewed agitation for self determination in the country is of great concern to UNIFEMGA and all well-meaning Nigerians.

“The major factors accounting for the relative decline of the country’s economic fortunes are easily identifiable as political instability, lack of focused and visionary leadership, economic mismanagement, poor communication and corruption.

“A lot of the debates around national issues are driven more by ignorance than knowledge, consequently debates are embroiled in emotive outburst rather than evidence based, civilized conversation.

“The knowledge base existing in our various educational institutions has not translated into solutions for the problems of our society. 

“Islam is a religion that calls upon all its adherents to adopt modern ideas and technologies that can improve life, as long as they are within the limits set out by Allah,” the communique read.

The association then resolved that the federal government should restructure the country in such a way that all sections of the country will have a sense of belonging as the current provisions of the constitution, has vested the total control of all minerals, including oil on both land and water, in the federal government.

“In the 21st century, knowledge is the greatest capital which Nigeria as a country must ensure is all encompassing in the choice of leaders at all levels and on all issues. Also, the followers need to organize themselves to hold the leaders accountable at all levels.

“The issue of insecurity, stagnating economy and bad governance especially decay of institutions, endemic corruption and inability to manage diversity will be a thing of the past, if the country is able to reach national consensus and communicate effectively with the citizens.

“For this or any movement for that matter to sustain, we must anchor it on a set of core values that promote sacrifice, courage, prudence, probity, respect for knowledge and competence, openness, accommodation of one another, dignity of labour and sanctity of human life. No meaningful change can ever take place and sustain in human society if it is not driven by a set of core values,” it noted.

Highlight of the 2021 UNIFEMGA Conference was the presentation of 113 scholarships and grants to OAU students totaling the sum of N6,990,000, as part of its welfare gesture to the students of the institution. From the inception of the programme in 2009/2010 to date, the association has disbursed the sum of over N40 million to over 700 students of the Institution. 

The association also used the opportunity of the conference to commission the renovated and refurbished Hall of Residence Mosques. It also issued prizes and certificates to participants of the OAU @ 60 Essay/Poetry Competition.

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