2023: Ondo Youth Group Endorses Adedipe, Says PDP Senate Candidate Ranks High



A vibrant and non-political youth-led organization, The Ondo Young Professional Players (OYPP), has endorsed the People’s Democratic Party (PDP) senatorial candidate for Ondo central, Basorun Ifedayo Adedipe SAN, as the preferred candidate to represent the senatorial district in the national assembly.

Addressing newsmen at the end of its emergency meeting in Akure on Wednesday, the group’s Coordinator, Dr Femi Akinkuowo, said the meeting was called to address some burning national issues especially as Nigerians will be electing their president and representatives this Saturday.

Akinkuowo said “though the organization could not take a unanimous position on its preferred presidential candidate but was able to reach an agreement on the senatorial and House of Representatives candidates across Ondo state.

“We as an organization endorsed Basorun Ifedayo Adedipe SAN to represent the good people of Ondo central senatorial district. He has the pedigree, intellectual capacity and love for the masses. Adedipe is a man of strong network who will influence things at the national level and bring development to Ondo state. OYPP decides to remind us of the court case he did pro bono {free of charge} to reinstate sacked elected local government chairmen and ward councilors in Ondo state, his unconditional support for Akure kingdom, his philanthropic work across the length and breath of the country and mentorship for young people, among others”

The group said it believed the candidate would raise the bar in quality and effective representation not only in Ondo state but also across the continent of Africa. It called for calm during and after the election, urging the federal government to find a quick solution to the lingering fuel and naira scarcity to ameliorate the sufferings of Nigerians.

“Nigerians must reject vote-buying across every polling unit as this is the only way to ensure our votes count and our voices heard. It is in our own interest that we must choose people who will do well in office. We urge Nigerians to have a look at their manifestoes before voting and protect their votes on Saturday” OYPP said.

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