Post-Presidency: Obama Makes First Public Remarks In Three Months

US President, Barack Obama will today Monday deliver the first public remarks of his
post-presidency in his adopted hometown of Chicago, three
months after handing off the baton to President Donald Trump. 


44th president is slated to speak with young leaders at an event at the
University of Chicago, billed by his office as a “conversation on
community organizing and civic engagement” and a part of Obama’s goal to
“encourage and support the next generation of leaders.”
highly anticipated public appearance comes just days ahead of the
symbolically significant 100-day mark for Trump — a milestone that one
Obama adviser insisted is “far from his mind.” 
But while the
ex-President does not intend to directly confront or take swipes at
Trump, he does plan on being forthcoming — if asked — about where he
stands on specific policy matters, including areas where he and Trump
clearly disagree, a source said.
Issues at the top of Obama’s mind these days include Obamacare, foreign policy and climate change, an adviser said.
the final stretch of the 2016 election, Obama actively campaigned for
Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton. More than five months after
Clinton’s loss, Obama is still not interested in taking center stage on
politics, an adviser told CNN. 
the most part, Obama and former first lady Michelle Obama have steered
clear of the public spotlight since leaving the White House. The former
President has been spotted playing golf and vacationing on a private
island in the Caribbean, but his schedule has been kept tightly under
The Obamas are also busy
working on their memoirs after landing a deal with Penguin Random House
that could yield them tens of millions of dollars. The couple plans to
live in Washington until their younger daughter, Sasha, graduates high
school in 2019. Obama is also slated to appear with German Chancellor
Angela Merkel in Berlin in late May and is due to accept an award in
Boston prior to that.

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