My “Skin Crawled’, Clinton Recounts Debate Moment With Trump In Memoir | The Precision

In her upcoming memoir, Hillary Clinton expresses regret
and explains what she wishes she could go back and do differently
during her failed 2016 campaign, according to excerpts released


In one of the excerpts, Clinton specifically addressed how she felt
to have now-President Donald Trump standing behind her during a debate
at Washington University in St. Louis.
“It was incredibly uncomfortable,” she said, describing the moment.
“He was literally breathing down my neck. My skin crawled. It was one of
those moments where you wish you could hit pause and ask everyone
watching, well, what would you do?”
The book — which is titled “What Happened” and is rendered as a
statement, not a question, on the cover — is set to be released September 12. The excerpts were obtained by MSNBC’s “Morning Joe,” which aired the audio recording of Clinton reading the book herself. (CNN)
Source: The Precision

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