Malaria: Ondo Gets 2.9 Million Treated Nets To Fight Scourge | The Precision

By Abiodun Tadese, Akure

Towards preventing malaria epidemic in
Ondo State, the National Malaria Elimination Programme (NMEP), Catholic
Relief Services in collaboration with Ondo state Ministry of Health are
set to distribute a total of 2,930,500 mosquito nets in the State, THE PRECISION can understand.
Disclosing this at a Media chat with journalist
in Akure, representative of Catholic Relief Services, Mrs Nneka Ndubuisi
said the distribution of the nets will be between October and December
this year.
She added
that the net distribution became imperative as this is the best
opportunity for scaling up malaria prevention in the state. According to
her, “,these nets are designed to maintain utmost biological efficacy
against mosquitoes for three years, particularly where they are used
under recommended conditions”
Mrs Ndubuisi stated further that the distribution will be preceded by household mobilization from October 7 to 15
this year. During this time, household mobilizers will visit each
household, register them and issue net cards adding that one net will be
given to two persons and maximum of four nets to a household.

She also listed the benefits of sleeping inside
the nets as protection from mosquito bites  that spread malaria, sound
and undisturbed sleep as well as saving lives and money.

Speaking earlier, the Director of Public Health
at Ondo State Ministry of Health, Dr Ola Obaado called on the media to
support in providing adequate publicity on the use of the nets as part
of corporate social responsibility .
Dr Obaado also called on community leaders and members
of the public in the Long Lasting Insecticidal Nets campaign in order to
save lives of both the young and old in the State.

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