Nigerian Senate Clears 5 CBN Nominees, Rejects 1 | The Precision

CBN Tower, Abuja
The Senate has approved five nominees for Central Bank of Nigeria,
CBN, including two for deputy governors position, but rejected one.



Aisha Ahmad and Edward Lametek were confirmed by the lawmakers as
deputy governors of the apex bank, while Adeola Adenikinju, Aliyu Sanusi
and Robert Asogwa were confirmed as members of the Monetary Policy
Committee, MPC, of the bank.
Asheikh Maidugu was rejected because the senators who screened him,
said they were dissatisfied with his responses to their questions.
The confirmation follows recommendation of the committee on Banking, Insurance and other Financial Institutions.
Chairman of the committee, Rafiu Adebayo, presented the report making
the recommendation, noting that the nominees had been cleared by the
police, Code of Conduct Bureau and Department of State Services, DSS.
“Having been satisfied with their academic, professional
qualification and competence, work experience and character of these two
nominees, the committee hereby recommend that the Senate do confirm
Mrs. Aisha Ahmad and Mr. Edward Lametek as Deputy Governors of the
Central Bank of Nigeria,” he said.
Explaining the committee’s reason for rejecting Maidugu as a member
of the MPC, he said: “The nominee was interviewed by the committee and
he responded to the questions but the committee was dissatisfied with
his response and concerned that he may not be independent and reach
crucial decisions of the MPC that affects directly the whole economy.”
The lawmakers unanimously approved the recommendation after a voice vote.
The Senate President, Bukola Saraki, commended his colleagues for the
expeditious confirmation of the two deputy governors and MPC members.
He urged the nominees to work to grow the economy and stabilise the country’s foreign exchange.
The Senate had, last week, resolved to make a concession to carry out
the confirmation process for the two Deputy Governors of the Central
Bank and other members of the Monetary Policy Committee, after earlier
resolving not to consider all such nominees until Ibrahim Magu is
removed as acting chairman of the anti-graft EFCC.
The resolution was sequel to a deliberation of a point of order
raised by Rafiu Ibrahim (APC, Kwara South) urging members of the Senate
to confirm the nominees for the sake of the nation’s economy.

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