PDP Queries President Buhari’s For Stopping Over In London | The Precision



The Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) has queried President Muhammadu Buhari’s stopover in London.

The party referred to the stopover as a constitutional breach because no letter was transmitted to the National Assembly.
a statement by the party’s spokesman, Kola Ologbondiyan says,
“President Buhari had on Tuesday left the United States, instead of
returning to the country, detoured to the UK for another private visit
without regard to full disclosure requirements of our constitution and

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“Indeed, Nigerians are worried about the signal being sent
out by this penchant for the secret itinerary, particularly, given the
poor reputation and government transparency issues confronting our
nation under the Buhari administration.
“The Presidency must
understand that President Buhari is not a private citizen and as long as
his upkeep and itinerary are sourced from our hard-earned resources,
there must be full disclosure, as citizens deserve to know the purpose
of the visit and the cost to our nation.
“This is especially as
President Buhari’s foreign trips, which come at great costs, have not
brought any gains to our country. Instead, the President has continued
to de-market our nation in the international arena. The just concluded
the Commonwealth Head of Government Meeting (CHOGM) in London, where he
cast aspersion at our enterprising youths and failed to return with any
dividend readily comes to mind.
Furthermore, President Buhari’s
admission at the Voice of America (VOA) that he was unable to reach an
agreement with President Donald Trump on any matter of interest to
Nigeria, during his US visit and that he has no future development
agenda to validate his 2019 re-election bid, confirm our position that
the Buhari administration has nothing to offer Nigerians”.
PDP, therefore, urges President Buhari’s handlers to adequately prepare
him before international outings as well as ensure full disclosure on
all his visits outside the country, since he embodies the image and
integrity of our nation, until May 29, 2019. (Channels)

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