Youths Raze Down Police Station Over SARS Killing Of Student | The Precision


Irate youths in Iwo, Osun State, have set a police station ablaze in the town for the alleged shooting of an undergraduate, Tunde Nofiu, by an officer attached to the Special Anti Robbery Squad.


Nofiu was said to be spending holidays in the town.

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Our correspondent gathered that the students who was going to Iwo from Olupona was shot dead on Thursday night and the incident led to a protest.
The name of the school of the deceased could not be ascertained as of the time of filing this report.
But it was gathered that the youths of the town gathered and set ablaze the police station on Friday morning.
The Commissioner of Police in Osun State, Finihan Adeoye, when contacted on the telephone told our correspondent that he could not give the exact account of what happened.

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