2019: MUSWEN Calls For Peaceful Elections

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The Muslim Ummah of South West Nigeria (MUSWEN), on behalf of all Muslims in the South West region of Nigeria, calls on all Nigerians to vote peacefully during the presidential and national assembly elections on Saturday.

We need to remind ourselves that it is only in an atmosphere of peace that the electorate can exercise their right to vote for candidates of their choice and that their votes can truly count.

We all have a duty to make the elections mark a positive milestone in the nation’s progress, and not a step backwards. We must, therefore, make sure that the elections are free, fair, peaceful, violence-free and credible.

Related: 2019: Akure Muslim Community Sues For Peace

While MUSWEN commends INEC, security agencies and other critical stakeholders for their diligent preparation for the elections, we urge them to spare no effort in order for them to deliver well on their mandate during and after the elections.

Lastly, MUSWEN appeals to our Imams and the generality of Muslims to use the opportunity of the Friday prayers tomorrow to pray for peaceful elections. Our Imams should also, please, use the opportunity to admonish their congregations on the need for them to conduct themselves in a peaceful manner before, during and after the elections.

Prof Dawud O. S. Noibi, OBE,
Executive Secretary/CEO,

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