There Will Be Springs In May – Ade Adeogun



Welcome to the fifth month of the year. God has been kind to us in so many ways. And He has preserved us till this day to witness the unfolding of a new month. While we still grieve as a people, due to the untimely death of a patriot, Alhaji Mukaila Sadeeq, we cannot but thank God for his life of selflessness, dedication and forthrightness. We pray to God for the repose of his soul while He grants us the fortitude to bear the irreparable loss his absence must have caused us.

May, a significant month in our social, political, religious and economic calendar is here and we must face it with all adroitness, sensitivity and hope. Being a month that will determine our nation’s life as we usher in a new dispensation of hope, we must ensure that we all play our parts wherever nature has put us for the growth and development of our land.

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Every first of May is sacredly scheduled to honour the ever resilient workers of our dear nation who rarely get anything commensurate to the energy they put to work in order to keep our nation going. In all honesty, we celebrate their courage, assiduity and passion irrespective of the pains they go through in the hands of those who should have cared for them. It is our hope that better days are here for Nigeria workers with the increased minimum wage. We pray that God will grant them grace to live and reap the fruits of their labour.

As Muslim faithfuls observe the mandatory Ramadan fast in May, it’s a time to offer prayers for the progress of our land. The virtues of sacrificial living, piety, love, abstinence from all sorts of sinful indulgences must be imbibed during and after Ramadan. May almighty Allah accept the sacrifices of all adherents and grant them grace to witness more of it on earth.

Significantly, May gives us a footing as we usher in new leaders who will pilot the affairs of our nation in different capacities for the next four years. We pray to God for guidance as we hope that our new leaders will lead us with the fear of God. Importantly, I wish to reassure you that the confidence you reposed in Ade Adeogun our House of Representatives member-elect is not misplaced. Very soon, you will begin to feel the impacts of his representation in Akoko South East and West federal constituency and beyond.

May is equally a significant month for our children as we celebrate their ingenuity, character and talents. The celebration of Children’s Day on 27th May affords us another opportunity to put in place lasting legacies that would serve as motivations and guidance for the youths as they take giant steps into the future. Children, no matter the circumstances of their birth are the only hope of our glorious future, hence we cannot afford to pay lips service to their growth.

Dear constituents, May is traditionally the month of fertility. May we experience fertility in all aspects of our lives in the new month. From all of us at Ade Adeogun Foundation, we wish you a fruitful May. Happy new month Akoko.

Abire Sunday Olugbenga
For: Ade Adeogun Foundation
01 – 05 – 2019

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