Ending Open Defecation: NOA Partners UNICEF, NYSC, Ondo Govt



By Ralph Oguntibeju, Akure

The Ondo State Directorate of the National Orientation Agency (NOA) has embarked on collaborative efforts with UNICEF, NYSC and the Ondo State Government through the Ministry of Economic Planning and Budget to eradicate Open defecation in the state.

According to the 2017 Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey (MIC S) report, about 32% of the Ondo State population indulge in Open defecation as against 24.1% and 23.5% for the regional and national averages respectively.

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As part of the contributions of NOA to reverse this trend of Open defecation in the state, the Ondo state directorate of NOA in collaboration with UNICEF and Ministry of Economic planning & budget trained 60 NYSC members on access negotiation in conducting social research on diarrhoea cases in selected communities in Akure South LGA.

The baseline information gathered from the indicative survey is expected to be used to determine the advocacy strategies that would be employed in raising the consciousness of the people of Ondo State on the grave consequences Open defecation portends in the areas of Health, Child Development, Education outcome, Dignity and security among others.

It is believed that this would encourage our people to own the process of early termination of open defecation in the state.

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