A Tribute To The Mother & Child Hospital And Medical Village @10



By Dr Lawal Oyeneyin, mni

Just like yesterday, a Caring Governor had a vision to bestow a befitting legacy to our pregnant women and children. The Laje axis of Ondo city would never be the same again.

Before our very eyes, that Mother & Child Hospital edifice heralded the establishment of the Medical Village as we know it today with a vibrant Teaching Hospital and the first specialized Medical Science University in West Africa.

Just like yesterday, a core team of dedicated civil servants cutting across the different cadres of the healthcare service profession made a leap of faith to take on the uncertainties and challenges of pioneering a tertiary health facility located in a forest-like outskirt of a fledgling city-town.

Before our very eyes, that Mother & Child Hospital became a cynosure of all eyes. It broke records in service delivery, research and training, including being the youngest (within 3 years of inception) hospital to obtain accreditation for Obstetrics & Gynaecology training by the West African and National Postgraduate Colleges.

Just like yesterday, the Laje axis of Ondo city was a sparsely populated hilly and relatively hostile landscape with give away prices for plots of land. Those days, “fellow inhabitants” were exotic insects, rodents, reptiles and small mammals. Quite laughable, isn’t it?

Before our very eyes, Laje axis is now full of hustle and bustle resembling a mini city of its own with attendant commercial activities, academic ambiance and prime property. The term “village” is fast becoming a misnomer.

Just like yesterday, to commemorate the launching, the first patient was safely delivered of a bouncing baby girl on the morning of Friday, 30th November, 2012. Later that afternoon, right in the middle of the ceremonies, a pregnant woman who had left her home hale and hearty suddenly developed life threatening bleeding and had to be managed appropriately.

Before our very eyes, the facility that has now metamorphosed into a Department of a Teaching Hospital Complex, has attended to over 40,000 pregnant women and safely delivered over 22,000! Let’s not forget the tens of thousands of babies, infants and children nursed back to good health.

Just like yesterday, we prayed for The Almighty to guard and guide us right, as we looked up to Him to provide the wherewithals to overcome the challenges that would definitely come our way.

Before our very eyes, and for all intents and purposes, The Almighty has lived up to His Promise. We are eternally grateful to Him.

As we mark this august 10th anniversary, we cannnot relent in our thanksgiving… as we continue to strive to better the lot of not just our pregnant women and children, but the whole population of Ondo state and environs. Amen.

Dr Lawal Oyeneyin, mni is the Pioneer CMD, Mother & Child Hospital Ondo (November, 2012 – December, 2015).

PS: The views, thoughts, and opinions expressed in the text belong solely to the author, and not necessarily that of the Publishers of Precision Online Newspaper.

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