Opinion: Importance Of Peaceful Protësts And Government Responsibility By Alhaji Saliu Adekunle



The recent wave of protests that have taken place across the countr is reflecting the voices and concerns of the citizens. It is crucial to acknowledge that protest is a fundamental human right, and it serves as a vital mechanism for individuals to express their grievances and seek redress. Nonetheless, it is imperative that these protests remain peaceful and decent, fostering a conducive environment for dialogue and resolution.

First and foremost, it is essential for the government to recognise the underlying reasons prompting these demonstrations. Many citizens are protesting due to pressing issues such as hunger and widespread hardship. These factors must not be overlooked, as they are indicative of significant socio-economic challenges that require immediate attention.

In light of this, the government is urged to take considerable steps to alleviate the struggles faced by our people. Implementing policies aimed at enhancing food security, providing social welfare support, and addressing the root causes of economic distress will not only demonstrate a commitment to the welfare of the populace but also serve to quell the unrest by providing tangible solutions to the grievances being raised.

Furthermore, it is vital for the organisers of these protests to ensure that their movements are not undermined or hijacked by individuals or groups that may have ulterior motives or seek to destabilise the current social order. Maintaining the integrity of the protest is crucial to ensuring that the genuine concerns of the population are addressed, rather than allowing the agenda to be derailed by adversarial elements.

Lastly, I must address the role of security agents in this protest. It is their responsibility to protect and monitor the protesters, ensuring that the rights of individuals to peacefully assemble are upheld. At the same time, it is imperative that security personnel act with professionalism and respect, safeguarding the lives and property of all citizens involved in the protests. By doing so, they will help to create a safe environment that encourages constructive dialogue rather than confrontation.

In conclusion, I urge all parties involved, the government, protest organisers, and security agencies to engage in a cooperative effort to ensure that these protests can lead to meaningful change. Let us work together to address the legitimate concerns of our citizens with respect and dignity.

Alhaji Saliu Adekunle, a politician & business tycoon writes from Afin Akoko.

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