Benin City Experiences Scarcity Of Funds As Banks Withhold Cash



By Zika Sonia in Benin City 

There is always the rush to withdraw cash during festive seasons everywhere and Benin City is not an exception.

However, banks have denied some customers access to their funds by not stocking up their Automated Teller Machine, ATM with cash or in some cases, insufficient cash. A customer of one of the commercial banks along Ekehuan road, Benin City testified to the situation today.

She said “I wanted to withdraw N100,000 but the ATM was stocked with just N30,000 which was withdrawn by one customer. I went inside the bank to withdraw from the counter and I was told there was no cash for me”.

A similar incident occurred at a commercial bank in Akpakpava branch as customers withdrawing above N50,000 were asked to cut down their withdrawal level.

Another commercial bank along Ekehuan road dished out similar treatments to customers during the week. A customer requested to withdraw N150,000 and she was advised to withdraw N100,000 instead. Apparently angried, the customer almost created a scene at the bank. The bank had no option but to order deposits to be cashed into the bulk room to enable them raise money for the customer.

Also, some bank ATM around Ekehuan Metropolis further dissapointed Benin residents today. The ATM were either temporarily unable to dispense cash or witnessed massive crowd.

The questions to ask the banks are, where did the hard earned money of the people disappear to? What is the difference between MMM and Nigerian banks? Why can’t nigerians access their money when they need it? 

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