Agriculture: Sokoto To Engage More Agric Extension Workers

Governor of Sokoto state, Aminu Waziri Tambuwal has given approval for the recruitment of
additional extension workers to increase manpower and expertise in the wheat
value chain in the state.



Making this known in a statement issued in Sokoto on Tuesday, Mr Tambuwal’s
spokesman, Imam Imam, said having introduced wheat to farmers in the
state, government will continue to show keen concern for its development.
Those to be employed are university graduates and holders of national
diploma in agricultural science, agric-economy, crop science and related
“Eighty persons will be employed in the first phase of the recruitment, with
more to follow in due course. Those to be employed will aid wheat farmers make
informed decisions especially as they engage with companies buying their
products after harvests.
“The overall objective is to ensure that we achieved the ratio of one
extension worker to 500 farmers. As such, more people will be employed in
subsequent phases of the recruitment exercise,” the statement said.
It said the extension officers will also lead consultation with farmers and the
various business concerns who have shown interest in partnering with the
government to develop agriculture in the state. 
According to the state, the extension workers will be trained in latest
trends in the business and will play a key role in efforts to modernize the
agric sector in Sokoto state.
In 2016, the State government trained 115 Local Government workers on modern
agricultural extension services.
The workers were drawn from each of the 23 local government areas of the
The statement said government will continue to engage farmers with a view to
increasing yields and tackling challenges that may arise in the sector.

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