Just In: Trump Drops Iraq, Retains Ban On Six Muslim Countries


US President, Donald Trump has signed a new executive order that temporarily bans people from six majority-Muslim countries from entering the United States.


The new executive order, effective next week, officially revokes and replaces the controversial order President Trump signed in late-January that the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals blocked last month. The new order has been crafted to attempt to withstand legal challenge, exempting permanent legal residents and applying only to future visa applicants, not those who already hold valid visas.
The new order also narrows the list the counties; it’s now six majority-Muslim countries instead of seven. Iraq has been removed from the original list at the urging of the Pentagon and State Department. The countries that remain on the list are Iran, Libya, Yemen, Syria Somalia and Sudan.
Iraq is no longer one of the seven banned countries “because we have received firm commitments from the government of Iraq about increased cooperation in terms of info sharing and other related activities,” a senior U.S. official said on a background call with reporters before the executive order signing.

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