Just In: Trump Proposes $1.1 Trillion “Hard Power Budget”

President Donald Trump has released a $1.1 trillion budget outline today Thursday
that proposes a $54 billion increase in defense spending and
corresponding cuts to non-defense spending at the State Department, the
Department of Housing and Urban Development, the Environmental
Protection Agency and the wholesale elimination of other federal


Presidential budget plans outline the administration’s priorities but
must be approved by Congress and are always changed in the process.
The blueprint features the broad strokes of Trump’s plan to
dramatically remake the federal government, slashing EPA funds by 31%,
State Department by 28% and HUD by 13.2%, while zeroing out funding for
the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, the Institute of Museum and
Library Services, the National Endowment for the Arts and the United
States Institute of Peace, among others.
The proposal would also reduce funding for multinational organization like the World Bank by $650 million.
Mr Trump’s director of the Office of Management and Budget, Mick Mulvaney described the proposal as a “hard power budget” in a Wednesday briefing with reporters, meaning the Trump administration will prioritize defense spending over diplomacy and foreign aid.

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