Sex Doll: An Extension Of Imperialism By Kekemeke Karatei | The Precision

A Sex Doll 

It’s no longer news that the discussion of sex dolls have dominated the media space thereby causing tremendous traffic on the different platforms. This discourse is an inclusive one as persons of different standards have aired their voices on the issue which has invigorated in me the zeal to ventilate my position.. 


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The introduction of sex doll isn’t strange to me as its akin and alikes have been long produced. The likes of Dildo, Lelo Iris, Womanizer etc are a close replica of the recently introduced sex dolls. 
It must be noted that prior to the invasion of the Europeans to Africa, Africans had their culture which was widely embraced. These products are an out and out contravention of the African culture
I was intermittently driven back to the colonization of Africa by the Europeans. The blacks were chronicled and portrayed as savages whose culture is redundant and de trop. The Europeans continued to tow on that path till independence was granted to African countries after series of bloodletting, Bloodsheds, imprisonment, displacement and agitations. We were thrown into the tub of exhilaration and mirth after being unzipped from bondage. This was occasioned by the fact that our polity was on the verge of being controlled by us without any iota of external interference. 
Alas! It dawned on us that the independence we clamoured and yearned for was denied but a mere “paper independence” was given which explains why we are yet to be free from the clutches of the Europeans. 
The culture of the Europeans became a part and parcel of us. The Europeans have consistently and persistently continued to interfere with the culture of Africans. For instance, in our gullible bid to mete the dictates of the Europeans, we eschewed our traditional language and embrace an alienic language and consequently making it an official one while ours is sheepishly referred to as vernacular. So pathetic! 
This is also very rife and common in our material outfits. We find comfort in modelling the clothes of the Europeans almost every time while ours is modelled occasionally and rarely.  So painful it is as we have trivialized our heritage to this demeaning and degrading level. 
While bathing and swimming in the pool of critical introspection, I nosed out some contradictions in the production of the sex dolls by the Europeans. They are known for fighting for the rights and privileges of women. Feminists they’re easily called because of their fervid stand for women’s right. The introduction of sex dolls is a replacement of women in sex in a marital relationship. Traditionally, sex as an activity is carried out by a conglomeration of men and women but the premise behind the introduction of sex dolls is an outright and sheer denial of the aforesaid tradition. It is the culture of the Europeans to use sex toys for sexual satisfaction which subsequently birthed the innovation of sex dolls. Definitely not ours! 
It is an established fact that culture is dynamic and is subject to change but such change must still retain the values and practices of the existing one. 
As Africans, we must be able to discern whats morally acceptable in our society before borrowing such to our society. 
As Africans, If we know who and whose we are, we can leap over mountains, mock adversities, repress our adversaries and prevail in travails.
As Africans, our unflagging commitment to our ancestry should constitute a free pass to our posterity. 
As Africans, we must see ourselves as a living light to the distressed and the distraught. I so posit thus!
Kekemeke is a Social Crusader of Justice and an Alumnus of Adekunle Ajasin University, Akungba Akoko

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