ANN Not In Partnership With PACT – Spokesman | The Precision

A political party, Alliance for New Nigeria ANN, has said that the party is not partnering Presidential Aspirants Coming Together PACT or its dealings, thereby dissociating itself from the political activities of PACT.


In a statement signed by its publicity secretary, Akinloye Oyeniyi, the party said: “This is to inform both our immediate and remote publics, that our party, Alliance for New Nigeria, ANN, is in no way party to the Presidential Aspirants Coming Together (PACT) or its dealings, and thereby dissociating the party from everything about it.”
Oyeniyi stressed that the clarification became necessary due to the ways some news platforms, especially Channels Television, are reporting PACT activities as if ANN as a political party has been part of its arrangement, but which is not so.
“We hereby inform our  teeming members, supporters and other Nigerians, that ANN is yet to be in any consensus or alliance talk with any political party or group of persons, and whenever the party is to so do, all will duly be informed”, Oyeniyi added.

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