Opinion: New Year, Resolutions And The Skulduggery Of Man By Oluwajuwonlo Afolabi



Bang, hang, hush! It’s a new year. The old and the young are excited to cross. City bubbling of lives. Streets rocking and stars ruling the sky. Flashes of a new year amass the globe. We are glad you are here says a thankful heart. Mouths filled with resolutions and tongues committed to prophecies and propositions.

Mr. A: I will build a mansion this year. Miss B: I shall earn a college degree this year. Mr. K: This year must be my year of unlimited success. Wishes struggling for driver’s seat with foreshadowing of individuals in life’s car.

However, the skulduggery of man remains, as it is easier to utter wishes and publish lexicographies of “to do” for the new year than bring it to reality. The tendency of man to align with making wishes without really achieving it brings man’s skulduggery to discourse.

It is a good thing to write plans for the year but more important to devise strategies for achieving the goals. The saying that “it is one thing to make a wish, it is another to realize it” emphasizes this. It is therefore expedient to have structure based plans than mere hope, wishes and propositions.

Yes, we need to be hopeful. Infact, believe that good things will come by. It however remains a deception if we work not towards achieving those plans we have. Afterall, everyone wants to succeed. If Mr. A keeps hoping to build mansion in the new year without saving from his income and proactively enhance diligence in his work, then he is a lord in the community of skulduggery.

Scientists say “Science does not exist by hope but experiment”. Relating this contextually means that individuals should not wear crown of indolence and hope gazing but instead engage in result oriented activities with structural plans. Deception also enthrones man when he thinks he is progressing while regressing. One therefore needs a thorough consideration of other excellers’ ideas because self-deception is the grand masters of skulduggery.

To avoid a shadowy life and accomplish in the new year, individuals need to make right choices, effect the plans with action based timing and despise not the little beginnings. It is quitessential to always evaluate every step and result, as evaluation paves way for progress.

It is imperative to state that the propositions, wishes, or desperation as it is to some to make it in the new year should be done in a legit way and equivocal dealings be avoided. The right little practices will therefore mature to success.
Man’s skulduggery is psychological as humans have a complex nature. It is however necessary to simplify the complexity by doing what is right and live not in deception.

AFOLABI, Oluwajuwonlo writes to wish you an accomplishing year.Follow @Afolabij1

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