Mass Vaccination Key To Contain COVID-19 – UNIMED Don



A professor of microbial pathology at the Ondo State University of Medical Sciences, Ondo city, Michael Odimayo says mass Coronavirus vaccination is key to contain the spread of the deadly virus.

Prof. Odimayo stated this at this month’s meeting of members of the Nigerian Institute of Public Relations (NIPR) in Akure the State capital.

The don said the COVID-19 vaccines belong to the family of live-attenuated vaccines used to checkmate the spread of diphtheria and tetanus.

He identified mass vaccination as the only way to contain the spread of the virus.

“Mass vaccination involves delivering vaccinations to a large number of people at one or more locations in a short interval of time. This helps to develop herds immunity in order to protect the general populace towards the eradication of the disease. Good
mass vaccination programs involves planning and quality standards that maximize return on resources invested and provide the greatest individual and societal
benefits,” he said.

He said being vaccinated is the best though it comes with its good, bad and ugly side.

“What is good about COVID-19 Vaccination?To be fully vaccinated, you only need one or two shots COVID-19 vaccines. The vaccine has been tested and approved by world health organization, WHO. The vaccine has been found to be safe.

“WHO noted the ideal vaccine would establish immunity in at least 70 percent of the population, including the elderly. The vaccine reduces risks of infection, for you, your baby in the womb, and breastfeeding babies.

“Currently available vaccines have been shown to be effective at preventing severe
illness from COVID-19. So even if you were vaccinated and become infected, you are
very unlikely to become severely ill. The clinical trials for the Pfizer-BioNTech and
Moderna vaccines showed they were 100% effective at preventing severe illness. The
Johnson & Johnson vaccine showed 85% effectiveness against severe illness.

“The vaccines are also effective against the new variants, the Delta variant. Studies have shown vaccinated people who do get infected have mild to moderate cases of COVID-19 compared to those who aren’t vaccinated. So, your risk of hospitalization and death because of COVID-19 is nearly eliminated once you are fully vaccinated.

“The vaccine is the final step in our effort to get back to normal way of life. Public
health measures such as mask wearing, physical distancing and hand-washing were
implemented to slow the spread of the virus, and they have proven to work. Although
masks are still recommended indoors in areas with high infection rates, the vaccine is our path toward eventually moving beyond them,” Odimayo said.

He said there is a side effect to vaccination.

“Like any vaccine, COVID-19 vaccines can cause mild or moderate short term side effects. Clinical trials has also shown that serious or long lasting side effects are possible.

“Typical side effects include pain at the injection site, fever, fatigue, headache,
muscle pain, chills and diarrhoea. The chances of any of these side effects
following vaccination differ according to the specific vaccine but generally mild.

“Less common side effects are allergic reactions. Individuals should alert their
local health providers following vaccination if they experience any unexpected
side effects. Blood Clotting is a very rare but serious side effect of COVID-19 vaccination,” he noted.

Prof. Odimayo added that one can still become infected after being vaccinated until a substantial percentage of the population is vaccinated.

While debunking some false claims about vaccination, Odimayo said it is good to encourage everyone to get the vaccines as this would help the larger community in the long run.

“The Immunity might not last. Studies have shown protective antibodies against Covid-19 may not last more than one year. Studies are on to explain the implications. There are a lot of confusion surrounding the immune status of people who have recovered from the infection itself.

“Vaccines making people sick with COVID-19. None of the approved vaccines contain SARS CoV-2 virus. The claim is therefore an
ugly falsehood. Notion that the vaccine may create a genetically modified individual is a major fallacy. Many of our daily foods could modify humans more than this vaccine.

“The notion that the vaccine approval was rushed and dangerous is not true. Corona virus epidemics occurred in 2002 as SARS-CoV, 2012 as MERS-CoV, so a lot of time has been available to study the disease.

“The Ondo State Government has vowed to enforce the no vaccination card, no access to its offices. Edo State recently announced compulsory COVID-19 vaccination for adults. The Federal Government is also considering making COVID-19 vaccination compulsory for civil servants.

“University of Medical Sciences (UNIMED), the first Medical University in Nigeria is
taking steps to ensure no transmission of COVID-19 by ensuring no student or staff
is allowed into hostels and classrooms without COVID-19 vaccination.

“Many countries globally will now not allow you move freely without proof of COVID-
19 vaccination. It is now all about COVID passport. So, COVID-19 vaccination has
become a personal requirement, a national essential and an international compulsion.”

Earlier, the Chairman of the session and a fellow of NIPR, Dr Wole Adamolekun encouraged members to get vaccinated and not listen to conspiracy theorists against vaccination.

State Chairman of NIPR, Lamidi Ishola also enjoined NIPR members to key into the vaccination advocacy by encouraging their family members to get vaccinated.

He said the choice of the UNIMED don to deliver this month’s lecture was a part of NIPR advocacy drive on Coronavirus vaccination.

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