I Was Never Interested In Boyfriend-Girlfriend Relationship – 21-year-old Achievers University’s Best Graduating Student



    Rebecca Adama, 21-year-old best graduating student at the 13th convocation of Achievers University, Owo said she was never interested in a boyfriend-girlfriend relationship during her period as student, as she was concentrating on her studies.

    Rebecca who revealed this on the sidelines of the convocation on Saturday while responding to questions from journalists, said she is elated, having achieved such academic feat.

    The law graduate who had a cumulative grape point average of 4.87 to emerge overall best student said she once had a teacher in secondary school who referred to her as a dullard.

    “Growing up, I was not an exceptional student, and I had this teacher back then who saw me as a dullard and talked me down. Getting into the higher institution, it was not one of my goals to be among the best students because I didn’t think of it at all, but I gave due diligence to my studies and it has paid off now. I have come to realise that there are no special people – the result is the same when the principles are right. Whatever your hands find to do, do it with all your might And above all, trust in God because if the Lord does not build a house, they labour in vain that build it,” she said.

    The valedictorian used the opportunity of the occasion to challenge her colleagues not to relent on their oars.

    “Today is a great day in our lives as it marks the end of our undergraduate stress, but definitely not the end of self-development and education.

    “We have spent between three and five years (depending on the course of study and mode of entry) during which period we were all taken through the drilling process that has shaped us into becoming Achievers that we are.

    “We are indebted to God for His faithfulness and also to this great citadel of learning, Achievers University, for the transformation that has taken place between our innocence at admission and now that we are being discharged as Achievers. We acknowledge our lecturers who have impacted so much into us, and we appreciate our parents and guardians for being our support system doing all they could do to make sure we soar above them because they understand that ignorance is more expensive than education,” Rebecca said.

    She dedicate her award as the best graduating student to her late mother.

    “I am specially grateful to God for my parents, Mr. and Mrs. Musa Adama,- theygave me wings to fly. They have been my source of encouragement and motivation. I dedicate the awards I collected today to my late mum, Mrs. Rachael Adama. May her soul continue to rest in bosom of the Lord. And to my loving and committed dad, I pray that your labour will never be in vain.”

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