US Vice President, Harris Tests Positive For Covid-19

US Vice President Kamala Harris on Tuesday tested positive for Covid-19, after returning from a weeklong trip to California. tl

Breaking News: Robert Mugabe Is Dead

Former Zimbabwean leader Robert Gabriel Mugabe has died at the age of 95, The Precision NG has learnt. Mugabe died in a Singapore hospital on...

Three Million Covid-19 Vaccines Administered In US On Sunday

The United States on Sunday administered almost 3 million coronavirus vaccine doses, raising the total to 107 million administered doses overall.

US Election: Bernie Sanders Drops Out Of The 2020 Race

Sen. Bernie Sanders ended his presidential campaign on Wednesday, clearing Joe Biden's path to the Democratic nomination and a showdown with President Donald Trump...

Breaking: Military Detains Malian President, Prime Minister

Reports coming in from Mali says the Military have detained the interim President of the country and the Prime Minister.

Update: FBI Identifies Man Behind Texas Hostage

The FBI has identified the hostage-taker at Texas synagogue as British citizen by the name Malik Faisal Akram. The...

Breaking: Police Officer Who Killed George Floyd Sentenced To 22.5 Years In Prison

Derek Chauvin, the former police officer who killed George Floyd on a Minneapolis street last year, has been sentenced to 22 and...

Crazy! Colombian Airline Wants To Make Passengers Stand

Budget airline VivaColombia is considering plans to remove all seats from its planes and make passengers stand. They hope the move will drive down fares...

US To Administer Pfizer Vaccine In 24hrs After Trump’s Approval

US president, Donald Trump says first Pfizer coronavirus vaccine will be administered in the United States within the next 24 hours.

Breaking News: Sudanese President, Al-Bashir, Steps Down

Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir has stepped down and consultations are under way to form a transitional council to run the country, government sources and..., pub-8445333084923959, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0