Press Release: FIBAN Gives Guidelines To Members As Election Holds Nationwide

Today is manifestos and election day in our respective states. As an officer posted to conduct the election. Please note the following guidelines (as you have been told before) for the conduct of this exercise:


At today’s exercise, a time of ten minutes will be allocated to the chairmanship contestants while contestants for every other post shall have five minutes each to speak.  Secondly, the chairmanship contestants shall be allowed to answer maximum of four questions from the floor while other contestants would be allowed to answer a maximum of two questions from the floor.
After the manifestos, we shall allow a thirty minutes break before the commencement of the election proper.
During the voters accreditation which should have taken place earlier in the day, only those whose names have been cleared earlier as manifested in the list would be allowed to remain in the hall for the election.
Two branded ballot boxes have been provided: one for the chairmanship and one for other posts. Where both are being contested, the two boxes shall be placed side by side in the open space. Two ballot papers (duly stamped and signed) would be given to each voter. The name of the chairman of choice would be written on one while that of other posts would be on the other. This would be done in a private place and the voter would come out into the open and drop the ballot papers into the appropriate boxes.
Where only the chairmanship is being contested and other posts are unopposed, the electoral officer shall announce the names of the candidates one by one and ask the voters to endorse them by voice votes. After that, they would be given ballot papers to vote for the chairman of their choice.
Where all the posts (both Chairman and other posts) are unopposed all the elections shall be by voice vote as enunciated above.
After the votes have been counted and results declared openly (or the voice votes where the posts are unopposed), the electoral officer shall write the names of the winners on the Certificates of Return provided and present to them on camera.
The results (as in number of votes scored by each contestant) shall be recorded on a sheet, duly signed by the electoral officer and sent to the FIBANEC Chairman or Secretary within 24 hours after the election.
Thanks and wishing you a peaceful and successful voting exercise. 
Dr. Michael Adetunji Prosper.
FIBANEC Secretary.

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