Baby Born During US Total Solar Eclipse Named ‘Eclipse’ | The Precision

A baby born in South Carolina on Monday was given a celestial name in honor of the total solar eclipse.
Eclipse Alizabeth Eubanks was born to parents Freedom and Michael Eubanks at 8:04 a.m. on Monday, more than a week before she was due.

“I kind of felt like it was meant to happen, to have her on this day,” the mother said.


was born at Greenville Memorial Hospital, measured 19 inches long and
weighed 6 pounds and 3 ounces, hospital spokesman Dudley Brown said.

family originally planned to name the baby girl Violet, but decided to
give her the name Eclipse in celebration of the rare event.
South Carolina was one of 14 U.S. states in the path of totality for Monday’s solar eclipse, and Eubanks said while her family was “shocked” believed it was destiny.

think it was just meant to be, her name,” she said. “We’re probably
going to call her Clipsey.” About 11 other babies were born on Aug. 21
and were given special onesies to celebrate the occasion. (Odd News Media)

Source: The Precision

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