Suspected Vandals Of Transformer Apprehended In Ondo



Two suspected transformer vandals have been nabbed in Irun Akoko, Ondo State.

The two suspects, Togo and ibrahim were caught at the wee hours of Wednesday by residents of Ejidu, a community in Irun kingdom.

Irun and its environs had been in total darkness for over four years before concerned indigenes in collaboration with the state government reconnected the sleepy town with the national grid early this year.

Few weeks after the town heaved a sigh of relief, some vandals cannibalised one of the transformers in the town with part of the town been in darkness since then.

Worried by this development, residents of the town tasked themselves by contributing money towards replacing the cables that were carted away by the marauders.

This was the task the people were trying to surmount when the eagle eyes of residents caught the duo of Togo and Ibrahim cannibalising another transformer at ejidu community.

They have been handed over to the police at Irun divisional police headquarters for further investigations.

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