Meet Austin Chenge, Nigerian Who’s Contesting For Governorship Election In US



A Nigerian As Governor In America?

It may seem only in Nigeria that the youths are not serious minded to take over the mantle of leadership for important positions.

I suppose our youths are deemed inexperienced and lazy thereby denying the opportunity to be responsible citizens who can impact our nation positively.

But that’s not the case in other well developed countries like the United States of America (USA).

34 years old Austin Chenge, a native of Benue State in Nigeria who is currently in the race to become the next Governor of Michigan in USA come year 2022.

He is challenging U.S. Rep, Lamar Smith to the ticket under the republican party.

The young Nigerian is an embodiment of the American dream who has repeatedly stunned critics by achieving what most people would consider impossible.

He’s a graduate of the School of Law, University of Birmingham England.

In 2016, he designed the popular tricycle known as “Wazobia tricycle” aimed at improving the lives of peasant farmers all over Africa.

Since the year 2018, he has been serving at the US military army as a specialist.

He’s a decorated Army with Achievement Medal as Distinguished Honor Graduate with a CGPA of 99.8% and for exceptional performance while on Active duty.

He announced his intention to run for governor of Michigan in march 2020, making him the first republican to do so.

He’s one of the numerous Nigerians making us proud in other parts of the world.

I just hope one day, our country can also give room for young and talented youths just like is being done in other nations of the world.

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