Rep. Adefisoye (Small Alhaji) Holds Town Hall Meeting With Constituents Dec. 30



A town hall meeting with Hon. Tajudeen Adefisoye (Small Alhaji) has been slated for Wednesday, December 30, 2020.

Hon. Adefisoye is a Federal Lawmaker representing, Idanre/Ifedore constituency in Ondo state.

He is one of the young Lawmakers elected into the Green chamber in 2015.

Adefisoye had since been engaging his constituents in a bid to deliver on his mandate to them.

The recent of such engagement is a town hall meeting scheduled for December 30 at Idanre.

“Do not miss this exciting and informative opportunity to meet your Representative and ask him questions bothering your mind. Your participation is highly welcome and appreciated,” a statement from Adefisoye’s media unit read.

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