World Teachers’ Day Celebration: The Need To Build The Builder (1) By Tolulope Olamisoji



No denying the fact that teaching profession is one of the most important in the life of an individual, in the life of a society and in the life of any era of human existence. Without teaching, there cannot be Learning in any form. Many of the celebrated professions today cannot but owe their successes to the roles played by teaching and teachers.

For a doctor to become one, he must have passed through teachers, likewise, other professions.

However, in Nigeria and many other third world countries, the teaching profession does not attract the nobility it deserves. It doesn’t get the attention required for it to be encouraging. More Unfortunately, practitioners don’t get adequate rewards that are commensurate with the efforts they put in. This and many other factors have made the profession uninteresting to young people. Even, a lot of those who are in the profession, at present, are there because they do not yet have an alternative.

Some even combine other sources of income, so that they could meet up with responsibilities at home and in the larger society.

There is no denying the fact that an average teacher, in Nigeria, is living from hand to mouth. There take home does not take them home. Pittance; meagre salaries. Very meagre. AND TEACHERS DONT HAVE ACCESS TO OTHER BENEFITS LIKE IS GOTTEN IN OTHER PUBLIC SERVICES. HOW DO YOU WANT THESE PEOPLE TO COPE?

What about the teaching environment? The school? Libraries in the school? Laboratories? Classrooms? Teaching aids? In most schools, these are nothing to write home about. Very rustic, uninviting environment. Crude and obsolete facilities. HOW TEACHERS GO TO WORK HAPPY BEATS IMAGINATION.

Yet, we want teachers, as BUILDERS, to give their best?

And they have been trying, not minding the pitiable conditions of their work.

Not surprised, teachers are trained to be sacrificial. That, they do. they don’t mind their situation as much as they mind the fulfilment of their calling. That’s why they deserve KUDOS. A VERY HUGE ONE!

Resilient! Dogged! Rugged! Never giving up! Should we then abandon them to their fate? Capital NO!

They are contributing very immensely to the growth and development of the society. We should not neglect them. THEY SHOULD BE BUILT, SINCE THEY ARE BUILDING. WE SHOULD BUILD THEM, SINCE THEY ARE BUILDING US

OLAMISOJI Tolulope writes in from Ibadan, Oyo state.

PS: The views, thoughts, and opinions expressed in the text belong solely to the author, and not necessarily that of the Publishers of The Precision NG.

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