Agency Distributes 900 School Desks To Female Colleges | The Precision

Sokoto Gov. Aminu Tambuwal
The Sokoto State Agency for Female Education has distributed
900 school desks to various girls colleges in four local government areas of
the state.


Presenting the items to representatives of the schools, the
Special Adviser to Governor Aminu Waziri Tambuwal on female education, Dr.
Amamatu Yusuf, said the items have been spread across schools in Kebbe, Sokoto
North, Sokoto South and Tambuwal LGAs.
“All the beneftting schools are Government Girls Day
Secondary Schools. The breakdown showed the school in Kebbe got 200, GGDSS
Tambuwal got 100 while the one located at Tudun Wada, Sokoto South LGA, got 150
“Others are GGDSS Sanyinna which got 125 desks, GGDSS
Mabera-Mujaya which got 150 desks, GGDSS Runjin Sambo which got 100 while GGDSS
Mabera-Magaji got 50.
“The distribution, done in collaboration with NIPEP/World
Bank, will continue until all our schools are adequately provided with enough
desks and chairs for use by pupils and their teachers,” she added.
Meanwhile, the SA has revealed that the agency will organize
a special training workshop for school managers and members of the state school
based management committees.
She said the training will involve 200 participants who will
be taught new techniques in school management by experts drawn from different
parts of the globe.

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