Musa-Omoloja Publishes Book On Nigeria’s Contemporary Struggle



Toyyib Musa-Omoloja, a public affairs analyst based in Ondo State has published a book on Nigeria’s struggle with special attention on post 4th republic issues.

The book, “All About Naija: The More You Look; The Less You See”, focused on the intricate details of the challenges of the Nigerian nation since 1999.

Musa-Omoloja said the book is for every Nigerian who is interested in the solution to the hydra-headed problems bedeviling the country.

“Do you enjoy mentally stimulating literary work? Do you want to remember important facts of our trajectory in this 4th Republic which we have forgotten because of collective amnesia? Do you want a great country?

“If you answer yes to the above questions, then you need to buy my book: ALL ABOUT NAIJA: THE MORE YOU LOOK; THE LESS YOU SEE,” he said.

He enjoined Nigerians to visit for a copy of the 179-paged book.

“The ebook is $5 ( 2,053.35 NGN) while the paper back is $10 (4,106.69 NGN). It is a must-read, and an indispensable addition to your library collections,” Musa-Omoloja said.

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